“Are You Being Love Bombed? 3 Red Flags To Watch Out For” - Daniel Edward Craig

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“Are You Being Love Bombed? 3 Red Flags to Watch Out For”

September 13, 2024 Meson James 0 Comments

Love bombing can be intoxicating, but it’s crucial to recognize it early to protect your emotional well-being. Here’s how to spot the signs that someone might be love bombing you:

1. Overwhelming Displays of Affection

What It Looks Like:

  • Constant Compliments: They shower you with praise and adoration, often in excessive amounts, making you feel like the center of their universe.
  • Grand Gestures: Expect frequent and extravagant gestures, such as lavish gifts, over-the-top romantic dates, or declarations of love early in the relationship.
  • Rapid Intensity: The affection seems too intense for the stage of your relationship. They may declare love or future plans much earlier than feels natural.

2. Excessive Communication

What It Looks Like:

  • Non-Stop Contact: They constantly text, call, or message you, seemingly unable to give you space or time to yourself.
  • Over-Eager Responses: They respond to your messages or calls almost immediately, and their need for constant communication feels intrusive.
  • Pressure to Communicate: They might express frustration or disappointment if you don’t reply quickly or if you need time away from your phone.

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