Attention! 7 Signs He’s Just Leading You On #Breadcrumbingedition - Daniel Edward Craig

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Attention! 7 Signs He’s Just Leading You On #Breadcrumbingedition

September 13, 2024 Meson James 0 Comments

Breadcrumbing can be tricky to spot, especially if you’re really into someone. Here are 7 signals that he might be breadcrumbing you:

1. Inconsistent Communication

He sends sporadic messages or only reaches out when it’s convenient for him. His responses are irregular, leaving you unsure of where you stand.

2. Minimal Effort, Maximum Impact

He puts in just enough effort to keep you interested—like a quick “Hey” or a brief compliment—but rarely makes plans or shows genuine interest in your life.

3. Vague and Non-Commital

When you try to make plans or discuss the future, he gives vague answers or dodges the topic. He avoids making concrete commitments or plans.

4. Over-Promises, Under-Delivers

He frequently promises to do things or follow up on conversations but rarely follows through. His actions don’t match his words.

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