Toxic relationship while pregnant

Toxic Relationship While Pregnant – 3 Useful Facts You Need to Know

February 7, 2022 admin 0 Comments

How to quit the toxic relationship while pregnant. Abuse can take many different forms. By calling you names or accusing you for something you haven’t done, an abusive relationship can inflict emotional distress.

An abuser may try to control your behavior by denying you access to your family and friends or by telling you what you should be doing all of the time.

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Emotional abuse can make you feel afraid or depressed, make you eat unhealthy foods, or make you develop undesirable habits like smoking or drinking. An abusive relationship may attempt to harm your physical well-being.

Hitting, slapping, kicking, choking, pushing, or even pulling your hair are all examples of physical abuse. An abuser may target a pregnant woman’s tummy with these punches. This type of aggression can not only damage you, but it can also endanger your unborn child.

Physical violence during pregnancy might result in miscarriage and vaginal bleeding. It can result in your kid being born prematurely, with a low birthweight, or with physical damage.

I mean, if the relationship can’t survive the long term, why on earth would it be worth my time and energy for the short term.

Nicholas Sparks

What Can Trigger Toxic Relationship While Pregnant?

Pregnancy can cause stress in many families, which is understandable. However, it is not acceptable for your partner to retaliate aggressively in response to stress. During pregnancy, some spouses become aggressive because they believe:

  • Because this was an unintended pregnancy, I was upset.
  • Concerned about the financial implications of having a first or second child?
  • Jealous of the fact that your focus may shift away from your partner and toward your new kid or a new connection.

How Do You Know If You’re In An Abusive Relationship?

It’s not uncommon for couples to fight from time to time. However, violence and emotional abuse are not the same as small disagreements between couples.

  • Is my boyfriend constantly criticizing me and making me feel horrible about myself?
  • Has my partner caused me any physical injury or pain?
  • Is my boyfriend threatening to harm me, the baby, my other kids, or himself?
  • Is my boyfriend blaming me for his behavior? Is he going to tell me it’s my fault he hit me?
  • Is my partner becoming increasingly violent over time?
  • Has my spouse pledged to never hurt me again, but he or she continues to do so?
  • If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, your relationship may be unhealthy.

An emotionally abusive partner is often jealous. He frames his possessive feelings as positive, but they can turn into controlling behavior. He expects you to answer phone calls and texts right away, even if you’re at work or somewhere else. Emotionally abusive partners often limit their partner’s access to money and resources.

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They might also use threats of violence to force their partner to do as they say. Shifting blame is when someone blames another person for their own behavior. This includes blaming others for things they’ve done wrong. When someone is gaslighted, they feel as though they’re crazy. Someone who is gaslighted feels as if they are losing their minds. Someone who is gaslit might be

Bad Relationships Put Pregnant Women’s Health at Risk, According to a New Study

A pregnant woman’s health can be harmed by bad relationships. Being in a bad relationship is difficult for anyone, but a recent study has discovered that dysfunctional relationships can have a severe impact on pregnant women’s and their children’s physical health.

Researchers from Norway’s University of Bergen discovered that pregnant women who are unhappy in their relationships are more likely to contract an infectious sickness like the flu or a cold. The researchers looked at data from the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study, which included over 100,000 children and 67,000 pregnant women. Each mother expressed her feelings regarding her relationships.

“Those who are dissatisfied with their relationship are more likely to experience disorders during pregnancy.” “During their first year, their children are also reported to be sick more frequently,” research author Roger Ekeberg Henriksen said in a statement. The link between a terrible relationship and poor health in pregnant women, according to the researchers, is likely due to the impact of stress on the body, as elevated stress can lower a person’s immune responses.

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