Nice Guys 1

Why Do Nice Guys Stop Making Moves? 5 Reasons Why He Pulled Back

October 19, 2021 admin 0 Comments

5 Reasons Why Nice Guys Pulled Back

It had been weeks since you last had a date! And he suddenly became aware of the fact that you were not going out with him or with someone else.

Suddenly you found yourself asking -WHY DO I STOP MAKING MOVES WHEN I START FEELING DEEPLY CLEAN exchanged signals with a guy I liked being with?

In a desperate attempt to get things back on track, you stopped all further communication with the nice guy and his behavior put you in a wrong position.

A few thoughts about why nice guys can stop making moves.

Common reasons why nice guys can stop making moves.

Credit: Psych2Go Yt Channel
  1. He is intimidated by you. mound n one shot or attractive represents persisting in an activity or meeting a girl who has good standards and Judging how you “fit into” a social scenario. Deciding how you would act in a particular situation by using a “pick-up line” or making a fool of yourself in a conversation because you feel like you are more poised or skilled at picking up women.

It gives you an excuse to safety check him. If he truly is as handsome as he appears then he will do as you please and stop at nothing to impress you.

  1. He realises you are an exciting, independent woman. A most attractive quality for a man is when an attractive woman leads a life of her own, has various interests, and is socially active. At least she is not totally dependent on an interesting man to provide the family with a stable life.
  2. He realises you have more to yourself than just your beauty. At its most basic level, having a high self worth is based on numerous successes in life and this also includes professional achievements.
  3. He realises you are a woman. Being a woman is a fact that shouldn’t be ashamed of. Once a man realises a woman can be just as intelligent, witty and caring as he could’ve dreamed of, it brings a new dimension to courtship and exploration of possibilities.
  4. He is no longer sexually tickled and the thrill of seduction has disappeared. Sex is a natural expression of love, and in the early stages of a relationship itself, no doubt sexy and exciting. There will be no more time to “trick” the manger when he is already over their rosy mountains.

At some point during the relationship, sex takes the place of “just getting to know each other” important decisions and insights, and the man may withdraw sometimes rather than confide in you because he is afraid sexually or just because he is not physically attracted to you.

So, why did the nice guy become withdrawn?

  1. He lacked the self confidence to succeed where others had not been so successful. During dating, the nice guy was not sure of his looks, his adoring gaze, his conversational skills, his conversational ability, his desire to please, his adoring gaze, and many other confidence inhibiting factors.
  2. He disliked his job. Why would an arrogant person want to work every day. Even though work may not be a “lucky” situation at times, he would never want to expose his true self during office hours.
  3. He was afraid of his turbulent nature. As a child he may have been told by a caregiver to “be a good boy” because boys don’t usually get into fights. Later in life he may have admixtures of traits from all the wrong relationships, such as physical abuse, verbal abuse, emotional neglect, and even substance abuse.
  4. He married or near-married and has kids. Cheap kids! Dirty, dirty kids! But he did have them and hadn’t married for several years.
  5. He had failed relationships and previous relationships. This could be stress, issues with working out his finances, with handling his disinterest in a woman, or perhaps he had been hurt by a woman.

The nice guy could be shy and unsure when it comes to approaching a woman, he may suddenly need an ego boost, he uses the “be nice” approach and the woman may reject him, he then tries to put himself down in order to justify his own behavior. Yuck!

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