4 Great Dating Advice For Engineers

February 15, 2022 admin 0 Comments

Are you an engineer? Maybe you’ll need this dating advice for engineers! Let’s face facts: applying logic to dating likely doesn’t come naturally for most men, but you’re not “Most Men,” are you?!

Dating for engineers on the rational side of the spectrum is usually different than for more emotional people. This is a good thing, by the way. Unless you’re looking for dating tips online and coming up with some results that aren’t really geared to work for your situation. In this blog, we also have dating advice for divorced dad, in case you need it.

That’s what makes today’s post focused on how you can use your talent of logic to increase your dating effectiveness. We’ll talk about stuff like…Dating is hard work. You need to narrow down your dating pool to the right people. Make sure that you’re looking for someone who fits into your life and who you want to spend time with. Then make sure that she can find you. Finally, be more attractive by growing as a person.

Dating Advice For Engineers: First, Optimize Your Dating Pool

Contrary to what you may have heard, dating is not a numbers game. Some advice may suggest that you open your options to as many women as possible and you’ll be sure to find “the one.” However, your engineer mind recognizes that while this sounds logical on the surface, it’s actually an incredibly inefficient and time-consuming way of doing things.

Imagine trying to find your one special needle in the haystack of all the single women of eligible dating age who live in your town. That’s a lot of conversations, dates, and effort that could be better spent elsewhere.

Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold.

Zelda Fitzgerald

Dating Advice For Engineers: Expand Those Criteria As Necessary

Though it may be beneficial to concentrate initially on the most important core values and avoid being completely consumed by attempting to overlap in all interests and hobbies, the point is that it is quite feasible to find matches based on your ideals list. Can you fix toxic relationship? We have the guide for you.

Of course, you’ll experience “FOMO” (Fear of Missing Out) as a result of restricting your dating pool so far. What happens if you eliminate all except the most ideal options from your dating pool (let’s assume you locate 10 women within a fifteen-minute commute) and none of them make your heart sing?

Dating Advice For Engineers: Here’s When You Examine Areas Where You Could be Flexible

If you enjoy driving and blasting music on the highway, why not broaden your search radius to 100 miles and see where your adventures lead you?

While you may enjoy cooking and traveling, it’s possible that those activities aren’t a top priority for your potential life partner. If that’s the case, remove those restrictions to make room for additional matches.

Alternatively, perhaps your ideal woman shares your political and religious beliefs, but you’d be willing to have meaningful dialogues with someone who doesn’t. You can always remove the filter and see what happens.

It’s important to remember that women can be unique and great in unexpected ways, and that life has a strange way of giving you exactly what you need, even if it’s not exactly what you wanted.

Though you may certainly use dating site filters and probing inquiries to weed out matches that are entirely incompatible with your beliefs or way of life, leave room for a little whimsy with the rest.

Even though you have your heart set on the woman described in the preceding scenario, you never know when someone completely unexpected will enter your life and turn your world upside down.

Dating Advice For Engineers: Make Yourself As Easily Searchable As Possible

Engineers enjoy dating because it allows them to enhance efficiency through reasoning. As a result, it may be tempting to concentrate all of your efforts on the first two steps.

You’d be forgetting to solve the other half of the equation if you did that, though:

How can you locate your dream woman, too?

If you’re seeking for an outdoorsy type and only post images of yourself at board game tournaments and usually wear your office clothes out in public, you’ll have a much harder time finding your perfect candidate than if you included a hiking shot or two.

Don’t be frightened to reveal your true self to women. The appropriate person, who would be a wonderful match for you, will see “the real you” as the most appealing version of you.

Fill out your profile if you’re on a dating site! We can’t imagine how many amazing men are overlooked because they used low-effort profiles, such as… “I despise writing these things; if you want to learn more, simply message me.” Would you swipe right on something like that?

Rather, stuff your profile with information that your perfect woman might be seeking for!

Here’s our whole online dating guide for introverted men.

If you don’t use dating services, practice speaking openly and honestly during in-person encounters. When you find a lady who shares your values and shows her who you are, she will naturally be drawn to you.

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