Commitment 1

Getting a Commitment From Him – Three Invitations To Take Your Relationship To The Next Level

October 27, 2021 admin 0 Comments

How to get a commitment from him

If you are lucky then you found the right man, but you just keep on getting stuck in the friend zone, and he can’t give you that commitment you deserve. But this does not mean you give up trying to break out of the friend zone, because it is actually an inviting and comfortable zone to be in if you know how to set the rules to free yourself from the friend zone.

So for those of you wondering “how to get a commitment from him”, I have good news for you, it is actually very simple to do, and almost every guy you knew has done this at least once in their life. What I am going to share with you is really not that hard to do. I am just making it more presentable for you to do it.

Credit: Matthew Hussey Yt Channel

What do I mean by doing the transition from friend to girlfriend? Well simply, to become his girlfriend and boyfriend, you just have to tell him how you feel about him, and how you want to be more than just friends. How to do it? I just have to ask a few questions here, so that you can be guided in the right direction…

So for those of you who have just been friends with this guy for a while, and just came to know that he is your dream man, you can take this path of courage and just go tell him how you feel, because he will be able to connect your feelings with his, therefore you can be guaranteed that it is going to work out.

But you need to be serious and must think it through, because if you say it without full enthusiasm, then it will sound like you are forcing it and less likely to work out. Use humor and be confident, and tell it like it is! Say it even if you are not feeling like it, because you know what he will be thinking. Guys are more easily stimulated when you are not feeling themselves, so you will boost his ego and he will start feeling happy around you.

So above everything else, do not think of getting a commitment from him, because that is not what you are looking for in the first place. Take your time and be sincere and he will respect you for being the unique girlfriend that you are.

Now that you know how to do it, I am sure you have already thought of ways you can help this guy strengthen his commitment to you, and here is how you can do it:

When you have the opportunity to be together, help him find out what makes you tick, what´s important to you, what you want out of life, your passions, whatever it is for you, so that you can share your dreams and aspirations with him and by doing this, he will come to see you in an entirely new light.

Since we have just defined fidelity as honesty, then you can truly show how much you care by being honest with your guy. Now I ask myself, what is the most important thing in the world, someone who is trying to help and connect with you or someone who is just following the normal routine and has absolutely no heart? Ask this question to yourself, and be the first one to approach you, perhaps even have the courage to help him sort out his own issues.

Helping him to understand himself will help you be truthful with him which will, in turn, help you be honest with him. Wouldn´t it be wonderful if we can all be like age, open and honest? Even the smallest gestures of being friendly and open can tell so much about someone, and allow him to connect with you.

So the biggest question is not “how to flirt”, but “how can I help my guy to flirt?”. If I can imagine it, he has probably already thought about it many times, so start being a dream wife for him, and don´t just sit back waiting for him to want it, remember this is a two way relationship that needs effort, start now by being honest and true to him. Have fun!

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