Smile 1

(2021) The Easy Smile

October 12, 2021 admin 0 Comments
Credit: Alpha m YT Channel

Ever notice your friend confidently approach a girl in a bar, and simply walk away without so much as a glance back or smile, while you try to figure out what he was up to? Well, that’s not necessarily the joke. It’s more of a silly practical joke of a way of being.

You see, most human beings shoot themselves in the foot. Now, this can be select to buttons that we have pushed in our brains since birth, but the basic fact is, we shoot ourselves in the foot. We will not simply accept the fact that we are being approached. If we do, then we hide behind the shield of unfounded security.

That’s right, we have the tendency to automatically become self-defeating because we fear rejection. As I have mentioned in prior articles, we usually have ego rumination syndrome. So yes, it’s up to a guy to be proactive and approach a woman, and yes, even the coward within us, to get into the “Moving Around Presentation”.

Don’t be afraid to contribute to the conversation when a woman is talking, especially if you are a woman. In other words, share your experiences and advice. If you want to touch on a point that she is making, by all means, let her know that it is related to her. If you have a topic that she simply can’t get off her mind… share your stories about that topic. In other words, open up your minds and your stars.

Smile Benefits

Women, ESPECIALLY HOT WOMEN, are constantly on the lookout for guys that will contribute to the conversation. By simply carrying on this conversation, even after she has herself become overwhelmed with other thoughts– has had too much to drink, has spent the last hour tweak trying to do her hair just right, or put herself on the gym trying to loosen up her clothes.

She needs you to participate in the flow of the conversation because women by nature need emotional stimulation.

Keeping this simple is the easiest way of beating approach anxiety. Your costs are labor and effort, and she irrefutable gain a relaxed state of mind and heart, plus a bond built over time. You do start with a smile and see it turns a woman off more than not.

I’ve done hundreds of approaches in the past as a matter of fact, and they don’t always end up the way I wanted, ended up in a gold dig rather than a relationship. But instead of the issue and adjustments, I talk about it as if it were handled effortlessly. It should be automatic like it should have nothing to offer with regards to its performance. You don’t have to blink to know it’s working to send the message.

I’d like to say that the problem is that people to this day, especially men, don’t know what women want and they do it solely on a sexual level, rather than a loving one. So they shoot themselves in the foot without even knowing it. They end up approaching a woman who is not in the mood, or simply one who is out of her element, to make a new buddy rather than an actual mate.

This is a very painful thing to endure, and if you aren’t the type of guy to put up with that, then I suppose you don’t want to deal with women rejecting you. But the truth of the matter is that there are ways to approach a woman, and not the least of which is the approach anxiety that plague so many human beings.

I do feel a certain amount of altruism in wanting to help out those less fortunate than myself, and that I try to help men such as this by educating them on a few do’s and don’ts when interacting with beautiful women. The more men know about this, the better, and ultimately it is their responsibility to disappear the issue once and for all and overcome this self-imposed bias. I just hope they are willing to put in the time and effort to learn from me and become better at this part of their lives as it applies specifically to meeting women.

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