Attraction 1

The Most Powerful Ways To Create Attraction With Women

October 27, 2021 admin 0 Comments

Create Attraction With Women

One of the most understood yet little understood concepts in the realm of dating and attraction is value.

Single women and attractive women are seeking core traits in a man. They are looking for men that can provide for their basic needs which are shelter, safety, nurturing, value, Emotional satisfaction, and material wealth.

Credit: The Attractive Man Yt Channel

Haven’t you noticed that almost every time you put out your best efforts, you are greeted with gratitude and flowers, yet there is almost zero response when you offer to buy them a drink or give them a ride?

That is because the response to your ‘ Loving Kind bottled up in you is so low. You have tried to bribe and appeal to their hearts, (which Teach you don’t work!) yet they see you as ‘ boring ‘ or ‘ predictable ‘ or ‘ predictable without any challenge’.

You have tried to be unapproachable yet chose to communicate with the woman of your dreams… thus your game becomes weaker and your chances of success with single women declines. Why? Because your communication has become sliced and dried and flat.

It has nothing to do with your deepest core values as a man, but that is just how this part of your life usually goes – against the odds and against all predictions.

Sooner or later reality sets in and when your authentic self is forced to confront the harsh realities of dating, relationships, love, sex, marriage, and some sort of monogamous relationship, it has a nasty habit of backfiring on you with the cold hard TRUTH.

That truth is often painful to hear but is simply the way that things work.

Trapped in your own self-defeating logic driven by your own fears, anxieties, and obsessed self-importance, you end up trying to tell others how to act, what to do and what he or she should wear in order to be attractive to the opposite sex so that you will be successful.

But that is where YOU are at fault. You did not ask the women out, you did not travel around the venue where the women were attending to you, you did not take the time to engage them in deeply meaningful communication where they show interest.

Instead what you ended up doing is that you ended up being an ‘ass kisser’ since you were giving the girls’ basic needs such as security, affirmation, care, and affection, rather than creating real attraction and love.

That is why you ended up as a ‘non responder’ since you were never confronted with her rejection, since you can not be selfish with your attention to your own needs and you chose not to challenge her power and mastery of the situation.

But now that I have shown you the truth…

It is time that you begin to believe in yourself and begin to act on it instead of just reacting to it and letting it be.

It is time that you begin to think of attracting women as an adventure where the ‘chasing’ does not take your sex and love away but rather increases its desire and obsession with you.

It is time that you begin to challenge the women and dare to actually become the man who can be a great lover and the man who can be a great partner.

The time that you begin to see meeting, approaching, attracting, communicating, and being present with women as easygoing and not as Ha Joegard’s ‘I must dominate this house and all the venerable people in it’.

Only then will you begin to see that just because she is so very divine that she deserves the chance to shine in your company, so too she deserves your respect and dare to bestir Yourself.

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